The wool blanket

Rescued blanket made from 100% virgin wool

Maße: 120cmx175cm

Professionally cleaned

return shipment
- Wool blanket made from 100% virgin wool
- Professionally cleaned and checked for quality
- Unique - each blanket is only available once
The dimensions of the ceiling are shown above under the price.
We ship your order climate-neutral throughout Germany with DHL GoGreen. The shipping costs are included in the purchase price from 99€ order value.
Within 14 days after receiving your order you can return your unique MOOT item. Just send us a message with your order number.

Our promise
Deine Decke besteht zu 100% aus Schurwolle. Sie wurde professionell gereinigt und auf ihre Qualität kontrolliert. Mit Deinem Kauf rettest Du eine Decke und schenkst ihr ein zweites Leben.

Become a part of the mission
We are revolutionizing the textile industry - together with Liv Lisa Fries, Franca Cerutti and you! Help us to keep high-quality textiles in circulation for longer.